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Code of Conduct and guideline for sustainable procurement

The success of our company depends on the honesty, sincerity, respect and fairness of our business partners and our employees. Our corporate guidelines reinforce this foundation in order to maintain our trust in each other and build on it in the future.

Compliance with these values and guidelines is expected not only from the members of the Executive Board and managers, but also from all employees, suppliers and their upstream suppliers.

Together with our suppliers, we want to shape our business relationships in accordance with ecological, social and ethical standards in order to minimize risks and create a stable and long-term collaboration.

This Code of Conduct is based on a common basic understanding of socially responsible corporate governance in accordance with the following guidelines.

Download Code of Conduct


amixon® promotes diversity among suppliers


At amixon®, we believe that our employees and suppliers should be as diverse as the markets in which we operate around the world. It gives us the opportunity to work with small and diverse companies that strengthen our supply chain by being responsive, innovative and customer-focused.

For the inclusion and diversity of suppliers, amixon® opens up equal opportunities to become a supplier for amixon®. We consider qualified companies that are founded or managed by individuals who have historically been denied full participation in economic activities. Diverse businesses are those that are majority owned and managed by women, people with disabilities, LGBT people, minorities or members of other disadvantaged communities:

  • Minority-owned companies
  • Companies owned by women
  • Companies owned by disabled people
  • Small, disadvantaged companies
  • Companies from historically neglected regions
  • Companies owned by veterans
  • Company owned by war invalids

Diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion contribute significantly to the success of amixon® and to the development of innovative solutions within the supply chain. In order for the company's activities to grow sustainably and continuously, we need diverse perspectives and the flexibility to work with different people and companies. By increasing our focus on diverse suppliers and committing to values such as diversity, equal opportunities, inclusion and justice, we contribute to improving the social and economic situation of underrepresented communities.

At the same time, working with diverse suppliers gives amixon® a competitive advantage by providing an improved range of innovative and cost-effective products. Our efforts contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth and enable diverse suppliers to grow and meet the sourcing needs of amixon®.

All amixon® procurement staff make every effort to include small and disadvantaged businesses and small businesses owned by women, veterans or disabled veterans, and small businesses from historically neglected regions when procuring products and services for amixon®.