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Environmental policy

We are an innovative, future-oriented company and see it as a challenge to actively support the achievement of climate protection targets and thus contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. Our environmental policy is aligned accordingly and is based on the ÖKOPROFIT® environmental management system. We also received our ÖKOPROFIT® certification in June 2024.

In addition, as a service provider, we are generally integrated into the environmental management systems of our clients and proceed accordingly.

We act in accordance with the applicable laws and are guided by international standards in order to minimize negative effects on the environment and continuously improve our activities for environmental and climate protection. All employees are sensitized to environmental protection and the necessary training measures and courses are offered.

We have taken appropriate environmental protection measures (e.g. the implementation of an operational environmental protection management system) that adequately cover the following topics:

  • Objectives, definition and implementation of measures and their continuous improvement;
  • Environmental aspects such as reducing CO2 emissions, increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energies, ensuring water quality and reducing water consumption, ensuring air quality, promoting resource efficiency, reducing waste and disposing of it properly and handling hazardous substances responsibly for people and the environment.
  • We attach great importance to environmental standards and energy efficiency throughout the supply chain and the entire life cycle of our products. This includes the procurement of auxiliary and operating materials as well as equipment and the operation of facilities.
  • We develop and manufacture our products in such a way that they are ecologically sound, recyclable and therefore have the least possible impact on the environment.

All of our employees are actively involved in implementing our environmental policy and therefore act as role models to the outside world.